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Fern Beefcakes Coupie

   In this clip, Fern snatched up a surveillance camera and teased out some smarmy shit from Coupie as he tinkled around on the keys a bit. Maybe he'd dropped down to Fern's piano to calm down Big Al after Chetty pissed him off, but it was probably just to vent a little of his own edge as the rest of the band took a quick breather between sets during rehearsal.


   It could get tense up there in Wonderland at times. A little open-jacket beef-cake piano bar schmaltz could chill it all down easy enough when things got hot. 


  And if you look and listen closely, you'll notice that the guy ain't actually playing a goddamn thing. Not for the whole 12 minutes or so. Just one weird jazz inversion after another as Fern does the PBS camera close-up and artistic fade thing all over him. Inside fun at its finest, and not a smirk between the two of them.

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